


Plant medicines have long been used to treat emotional issues in one’s life. The right blends, used in the right way can dissolve addictions, negative brain wave patterns and low frequency diseases.

Tried & tested by global high maintenance spiritualists, we love medicinal plants oils for their ability to calm down the nervous system, re-route negative brain patterns and balance emotions. They are our asset when required to quickly step up to the plate, deliver multi-million dollar results & also offer comfort during the long nights of pushing ahead.

At every step of the creation process, high energy vibrations have been added to ensure this is the most powerful concoction you can utilise in your spiritual practice. We only use ethically sourced pure essential oils. Specific crystal energy vibrations have been harnessed into each individual blend to further enhance the life changing effects.

All potions have been blessed and raised to the highest frequency during the full moon phase by a Master Seichem temple healer. Always use and apply with intention.